Wednesday 18 July 2012



1.Niko Bellic:

'Niko Bellic is the main serbian protagonist and playable character of Grand Theft Auto: IV. It is implied in a side mission that Niko is possibly from the Balkans, when asked by serial killer Eddie Low if he hails from the Balkans, Niko replies with "Hey, you're a smart guy". Niko grew up during the hard times of the Yugoslav wars, in which he participated as an angry youth. Niko witnessed many atrocities and war crimes, including a number of children lined up against a church wall, each with their throats slit and hands cut off. A defining moment in the war, for Niko, was when his army unit of fifteen young men from his village were ambushed by the enemy. Niko barely escaped and most of his friends were killed. He later discovers that two other members of the unit also survived, and concludes that one of those two sold the unit out for money. Niko vows to track down the culprit, motivated not solely by revenge, but a need for closure and to move on with his own life.

Personality-wise, Niko is a very down-to-business person, and is very protective when it comes to his family and friends, especially Roman. The most significant aspect of Niko's personality is his cynicism, which he gained in the war. He criticizes his acquaintances for expecting him to have fun amidst his troubled situation. Niko's biggest weakness is his inability to let go of the past - which causes him much anger and depression when the issue of finding his betrayers comes up; Niko is criticized by many of his friends and most notably Roman, for this weakness. His first girlfriend was Michelle, whom he later leaves after she turns out to be an undercover detective, and his fifth, Kate McReary either way dies at the end (if the player chooses Revenge) or feels disappointed in Niko for violating his principles, but forgives and consoles him in his time of loss (in Deal). Niko also has three other optional girlfriends: Carmen Ortiz, Kiki Jenkins and Alexandra Chilton.

Niko was voiced by Michael Hollick.

Central characters:

1.Roman Bellic:

Roman Bellic (Serbian: Роман Белић, Croatian: Roman Belić) is Niko's cousin who has lived in Liberty City for 10 years. Roman and Niko's fathers were brothers, and like Niko's father, Roman's father was also an abusive alcoholic. According to Niko, Roman's mother was raped and murdered during the war, although Roman believes she died in a house fire; to this day, Niko could not find it in his heart to tell Roman of his mother's true fate. Roman claims to be living the American Dream to his relatives and that he has two women, four hot tubs and fifteen sports cars. He successfully manages to persuade his cousin Niko to move to the city by using this deception. When Niko arrives, however, he realises that in reality Roman lives in a small, dirty apartment, owns a gritty, private-hire taxi firm in Broker, has a gambling problem and owes money to many criminals, such as the Mafia. Despite Niko's frustration with Roman's lies, Roman is optimistic and claims to be in the process of achieving the "American Dream". Niko admits that Roman has indeed found some success in America because of Mallorie, Roman's longtime girlfriend whom he later weds.

During the course of the game, his apartment and business are burned down by Dimitri Rascalov and the Liberty City Bratva. He later sets up another taxi company in Bohan with the insurance money and moves in with Mallorie, but is kidnapped again after a losing streak at a gambling den that is in actuality an unsuccessful trap by Dimitri to lure Niko and have him killed. Roman, after managing to finally win big, ultimately buys a penthouse in Algonquin and upgrades his taxi company, having achieved the "American Dream". During the game's finale, Roman attempts to persuade Niko into striking a drugs deal with Dimitri Rascalov due to the amount of money involved. If Niko chooses the "Revenge" storyline, Roman is disappointed that Niko does not do the deal (although he understands Niko's decession) but prepares for his imminent wedding. After the ceremony, a furious Jimmy Pegorino shows up and guns down Kate McReary outside the church. Angered that Kate was killed at his wedding, Roman and Little Jacob helps Niko to take down Pegorino. In the "Deal" storyline, Roman is inadvertently killed at his wedding by an assassin sent by Dimitri, in an attempt on Niko's life. In both endings, it is revealed that Mallorie is pregnant with Roman's child.

2.Dimitri Rascalov:

Dimitri Rascalov (Russian: Дмитрий Раскалoв) is a Russian criminal and serves as the main antagonist of the game.

Dimitri is initially shown as Mikhail Faustin's right-hand man; they are old friends from their army and prison years. Dimitri is the more sensible of the two, although Mikhail claims that Dimitri has an addiction to barbiturates. He and Niko quickly make friends when Dimitri becomes increasingly annoyed with Mikhail's unpredictably violent leadership, which has given their organization more enemies and caused the law to monitor them more closely. He later betrays Mikhail and orders Niko to assassinate him in order to prevent a gang war with Kenny Petrovic - before he is executed, Mikhail warns that America has made Dimitri greedy and that he will betray Niko as well. Niko later meets with Dimitri at a warehouse to collect his reward for the killing, where Dimitri does indeed betray him and reveals his new partner, Ray Bulgarin, Niko's former boss in the human trafficking ring, who orders his men to kill Niko. Little Jacob comes to Niko's rescue and mentions that Dimitri has escaped and they can deal with him another time. Dimitri and Bulgarin set fire to Roman's apartment and taxi depot, effectively running Niko and Roman out of Broker. The cousins escape to Bohan to avoid any further trouble, after receiving death threats from Dimitri via the phone. Dimitri attempts to kill Niko twice more, once by kidnapping Roman to lure Niko to a warehouse filled with his men, and another time by sending Bulgarin and his men to sabotage a hostage exchange between the McReary crime family and the Ancelotti crime family at which Niko is present. Dimitri calls Niko after both attempts, furious that he was not killed and threatening future attempts on his life. Upon learning that Niko is helping Bernie Crane and Bryce Dawkins, whose relationship he is trying to expose, Dimitri calls Niko and suggests that they re-establish their friendship and work together to expose them. Niko coldly reminds Dimitri of his betrayal.

Towards the conclusion of the main storyline, the Pegorino Crime Family - whom Niko works for - enters an alliance with another organization to find a buyer for a large amount of heroin that they stole earlier in the game, which would finally put the Pegorino crime family on the map. Dimitri's Bratva is the other organization, putting Niko in an awkward position - the player has to make a choice of either picking up the money from the buyers Dimitri found or dealing revenge and killing him. If the player chooses to strike a "Deal", Niko and Phil Bell are assigned to pick up the money at one location while Dimitri sells the heroin at another location. Dimitri appears happy with Niko's decision but, deciding to keep the heroin, he then betrays and kills the buyers at his end, forcing Niko and Phil to kill the buyers at their location in order to obtain the money. They are successful and Niko gains $250,000 from the deal. However, Dimitri is aware that Niko has not forgotten his earlier betrayal and, still fearing his retaliation, he sends a hitman to Roman's Wedding to eliminate him, but Roman is inadvertently killed during a struggle. Niko tracks Dimitri and Pegorino down at an abandoned casino in Alderney and Dimitri executes Pegorino before escaping. Niko pursues Dimitri to Happiness Island, before ensuing in a final confrontation in which he guns Dimitri down, before the Statue of Happiness, leaving him to die from his injuries as he explains his treacherous nature and that he killed his best friend and Roman. If the player chooses to strike "Revenge" Niko kills Dimitri in the cargo hold of the Platypus ship Dimitri is voiced by Moti Margolin.

3.Mallorie Bardas-Bellic:

Mallorie "Mal" Bardas-Bellic is the Puerto Rican girlfriend, later wife, of Roman Bellic. Mallorie is Roman's girlfriend for the first part of the storyline (although she secretly sees Vlad Glebov before Niko kills him) before becoming his fiancée. One of her cousins owns an apartment in Bohan which Niko and Roman seek refuge in after Roman's apartment and taxi depot are set on fire and destroyed. Towards the conclusion of the storyline, Mallorie and Roman wed, however in the "Deal" storyline ending her new husband is gunned down outside the church and she becomes widowed. In both storylines, it is revealed that she is pregnant. Prior to the ending of the "Revenge" storyline, Roman contacts Niko both revealing Mallorie's pregnancy and that he has chosen to name his possible daughter Kate, in honour of Kate McReary, who died at the wedding of Roman and Mallorie.

Mallorie's maiden name is wrongly credited as "Ramos" in the European Xbox 360 instruction manual, but is correctly credited "Bardas" in the PlayStation 3 instruction manual and manuals in other regions.

4.Jimmy Pegorino:

Don James "Jimmy" Pegorino is the co-main secondary antagonist of the game, and mobster heavily involved in drugs distribution, head of the Alderney based Pegorino crime family. The Pegorinos also have a hangout in Little Italy, the Drusilla's Ristorante. Jimmy Pegorino's aims to see his family become part of the Liberty City La Cosa Nostra "Commission". The main five families of Liberty City (The Ancelotti, Pavano, Messina, Lupisella and Gambetti Crime Syndicates) think that the Pegorinos are nothing more than a "joke". As the Ancelotti's are the weakest members of the Commission, he uses his hired muscle, the McReary Irish Mob, to attack their hired muscle and hinder them. Mrs. Pegorino is seen several times in the story, always complaining about the way Pegorino's crime syndicate is run. If the player chose the "Deal" storyline, on the final mission, A Revenger's Tragedy, Dimitri tells him "I didn't work this hard to share the spoils of a victory" before shooting him dead. If the player chose the "Revenge" storyline, Pegorino tries to kill Niko at Roman's wedding but kills Kate instead. Niko tracks down Pegorino and kills him to avenge Kate.


1.Little Jacob:

"Little" Jacob Hughes is a Jamaican arms and drug dealer based in Dukes who sells Niko weapons out of the trunk of his car. He and Roman are friends and he appears on cover-art for the game. He quickly becomes good friends with Niko as well after Niko saves him from an ambush in an alley. Jacob assists Niko several times throughout the story, helping discover who ripped off Elizabeta's drug deal, and providing back-up on several occasions including when Niko takes on Dimitri and Pegorino in the finale of the storyline. Jacob is also the one who tracks down Pegorino and/or Dimitri for the final mission to help Niko avenge Roman (Deal Ending) or Kate McReary (Revenge Ending). Once Jacob learns to trust Niko, he offers to sell weapons at a fraction of their street value.

A recurring gag throughout the game is that Jacob always smokes cannabis at inopportune moments, at one point while accompanying Niko in a helicopter chase, much to Niko's dismay. Another recurring joke is his heavy Rastafarian accent, which Niko initially struggles to understand. Little Jacob can also be seen in Team Mafia Work, who needs to be taken to a contact. Kenny Petrović describes him as Small Jacob.

Little Jacob is voiced by Coolie Ranx.

2.Packie McReary:

Patrick "Packie" McReary is a thug who is also the heir to Liberty City's declining Irish Mob. He is siblings with Kate McReary, Gerry McReary, Francis McReary, and Derrick McReary. He lives with his mother his brother and sister, who he is protective of, and harbors strong hatred towards his late father. Packie has never ventured beyond Liberty City and wishes to visit Ireland. He admits that he has a drug addiction and cites it as the reason he has had an unsuccessful life. Packie's sister Kate shows interest in Niko - a point that Packie regularly uses to make fun of Niko throughout the course of the game. He is a close friend and associate of Elizabeta Torres, leader of a small-time drug syndicate. When drunk, Packie loudly resents having to always take orders from his brother, Gerry. He also shows signs of depression. In the Ballad Of Gay Tony DLC pack the ending credits show that after the GTA IV storyline ends Patrick left Liberty City on a plane. Him leaving may be a hint that he is moving to Los Santos, which is the location of the next upcoming Grand Theft Auto V.

Packie McReary is voiced by Ryan Johnston.

3.Brucie Kibbutz:

Bruce "Brucie" Kibbutz is a fitness enthusiast who enjoys fine women and cars. He enjoys the attention he gets from being rich and is a steroid user, specifically "bull shark testosterone". Brucie has a vain attitude towards himself that annoys Niko, but the two manage to become unlikely friends. He sports a tattoo of the Chinese character 我, meaning "Me" or "I"[9] and a necklace that reads "No. One". On his left forearm is a tattoo "人妖" meaning "shemale"; he also has a tattoo on his stomach which says "Mommy". His personality is rumored to be modeled after the popular internet personality, FPS Doug and Scott Alexander, (however there are no facts backing up these rumors) an English business man and socialite who Kibbutz physically resembles and also, amongst other things, has a workout regime, executive lifestyle car business and even his "No One" chain (Alexander refers to himself as No. 1 (number one) and has a tattoo of this on his right arm and also used it as his motto and in his business interests) that all reference and relate to Alexander. Brucie owns a garage in BOABO, Broker called "Brucie's Executive Auto Garage", and often appears in in-game radio advertisements promoting his business. He can be found in the police database as wanted for possession of steroids. Niko suspects that Brucie's macho behavior is due to hidden low self-esteem and Brucie mentions that he was bullied for being overweight as a child. When Niko later learns that the assassinations he carried out for Brucie was due to Brucie's roid rage, Niko ends their business relationship, but they continue as friends and Niko continues to steal cars and participate in races for him. Once Niko and Brucie become good friends Niko can call Brucie and be taken across Liberty City in Brucie's helicopter. In the "Deal" alternate ending Brucie sends Niko an email offering him his support after Roman's death.

Brucie's insecurities are expanded upon in The Ballad of Gay Tony. The DLC introduces Brucie's elder brother Mori, who is one of Gay Tony's creditors. Mori moves in with his brother after showing up in Brucie's apartment unannounced. He is much more intelligent than Brucie, having been accepted by not one but two Ivy League universities after a stint in the Israeli Army, and is more physically fit than Brucie without having used steroids. He constantly taunts Brucie, calling him weak and stupid. Brucie is at one point seen on the verge of tears after this abuse, specifically when Mori defeats him in a game of chess. It is strongly implied that Brucie is a closeted homosexual or bisexual due to his extreme insecurity when people imply he's "gay", which is further evidenced in a tense conversation between him and Luis Lopez at Maisonette 9 in which Brucie attempts to kiss, and then offers to perform oral sex on, Luis (although the in-game audio cuts out, Brucie's character model appears to whisper the words "I'll suck your dick" into Luis' ear). Brucie finally puts an end to his brother's insults by breaking Mori's nose after Luis encourages him to stand up for himself, which results in Mori himself on the ground in tears, crying, "not the face!".

Brucie Kibbutz is voiced by Timothy Adams.

4.Dwayne Forge:

Dwayne Forge is the former mentor of Playboy X. He is an old school African-American gangster who used to be a very influential and feared criminal. However, Dwayne confesses at one point that he wanted to be a police officer as a youth, but the LCPD did not encourage African American police officers to join in the '70s and '80s. He also had trouble reading and writing due to a learning disability. Dwayne's father was an abusive, small-time criminal that was killed by drug dealers that he tried to rip-off, but Dwayne felt no emotion when he learned of his death. Dwayne soon learned that a lot of money was to be had in the drug trade and that he was very good at intimidating people. He also found that, despite his difficulties reading, he was very good at the basic mathematics required for his trade. Although Dwayne himself disliked the drugs he was dealing, he soon became the leader of his own drug ring called the North Holland Hustlers. At the height of his power, Dwayne claims he rented out entire apartments just to have someplace to store all the money that his gang was accumulating.

In 1999, Dwayne was arrested and convicted on charges of crack distribution. He is released from prison during the events of the game, but is disturbed by the world of bling and excess he's found in an underworld that was all about straight business when he left it almost a decade ago. He is distraught because his menacing and powerful reputation has been forgotten, even finding out that his girlfriend Cherise left him for a known snitch named Jayvon Simson, even after Dwayne pulled strings from behind bars to pay her rent over the years. Feeling betrayed, Dwayne is also upset that Playboy X ignores him and excludes him from the gang's business, which is resorting to more high-profile crimes. Niko is paid by Playboy to work for Dwayne, and he ends up sympathizing with Dwayne's plight and helps him rebuild his reputation and confidence. After Dwayne pays Niko to shut down a club that he used to own that was taken over by associates of Playboy X, Dwayne and Playboy X call Niko to kill one another, giving him a choice of whom to kill. If the player kills Playboy X, Dwayne receives a deed and gives Niko the penthouse of his old protégé and he becomes Niko's friend. A reward for being Dwayne's friend is the ability to call some of his underlings to assist in shooting missions. If the player kills Dwayne, Playboy X pays Niko $25,000 but lashes out at him for killing his "father figure", calling him "nothing but a cold-blooded killer" and refuses to speak to him again. When hanging out with Dwayne, he complains about his hard knock life and comes off as very depressed - when drunk, he admits that he bottles up his emotions to maintain his tough persona. Niko eventually sternly tells Dwayne to stop lamenting about his past. Dwayne lives at the Governor Greg Johnson Projects at Vespucci Circus in North Holland (which he would prefer to live in than Playboy X's penthouse, as it would only remind him of Playboy).

Dwayne Forge is voiced by Devin Richards.

Main supporting characters:


1.Kate McReary:

Katherine "Kate" McReary is the only daughter in the McReary family. Packie says she is the only honest and good McReary sibling, and she's one of the few encountered characters in the game who doesn't have a criminal record. Several of Packie's stories about the McReary family have to do with Kate witnessing several violent acts at a very young age, such as watching Gerry and Francis angrily beat each other up or catching Gerry return home with blood all over his clothes. She serves as Niko's primary love interest in the game, at one point kissing him on the cheek, and she can be taken out on dates like all the other girlfriends in the game. However, unlike the other girlfriends in the game, she never invites Niko into her house after a successful date, due to her unwillingness to engage in pre-marital sex (a point that Packie regularly jokes about).

If the player chooses the "Deal" storyline, Kate sees that Niko will compromise his principles for money and refuses to go to Roman's wedding with him. However, after Roman's death, Kate offers her condolences and support to Niko. If the player chooses the "Revenge" storyline, she attends Roman's wedding with Niko and starts to pursue a romantic relationship with him. However, this is cut short when Jimmy Pegorino, who is enraged by Niko's betrayal and the failure of his drug deal, turns up at Roman's wedding and guns her down in a drive-by killing. Roman later says that if he and Mallorie have a daughter together, they will name her Kate to honor her memory.

Kate McReary is voiced by Mary Catherine Donnelly.

2.Bernie Crane/Florian Cravic:

Bernie Crane (real name Florian Cravic) (Serbian: Флоријан Кравић, Florian Kravić, Croatian: Florijan Kravić), Florian Cravic, known in Liberty City as Bernie Crane (after changing his name upon arrival to America.) Was the only other surviving member of Niko Bellic's squad after Darko Brevic. America has changed him greatly, as apparent by his new founded homosexuality after moving to Liberty City. Bernie is a lifestyle coach, and having a secret affair with the Deputy Mayor, Bryce Dawkins. He is first introduced in the mission "Weekend at Florian's" after being located by Niko with the help of "Talbot Daniels". Niko originally intends to kill Florian. However, before Niko can even mention why he came over, Florian accuses him of betraying the unit first, and they realise that Darko Brevic must be responsible. Niko then starts to do some work for Bernie, first fending off a homophobic stalker, and then Dimitri Rascalov when he tries to blackmail Bryce Dawkins for his homosexual affair. Bernie later shows up at Roman's wedding. Florian Cravic is voiced by Timothy J. Alex.

3.United Liberty Paper:

United Liberty Paper, also known as U.L. Paper or simply U.L.P.C., is a front for a shadowy government agency that denies any affiliation to existing branches such as the Federal Bureau of Investigation (or Federal Investigation Bureau/FIB as it is referred to in the game) to which Niko's contact even expresses disgust when Niko asks him, or National Office Of Security Enforcement (NOOSE). Niko's contact is a presumed government agent who is revealed as Michelle's superior, known in many circles as The Contact. Niko is given a choice - he can work for him - the work including reconnaissance and assassination missions - or risk exposure to local law enforcements. In return for Niko's services, The Contact promises to use his organization to search Europe for Darko Brević, which he knows Niko is unlikely to refuse. The Contact never reveals his true name and as such is often referred to synonymously with the organization he represents (although a diploma of some sort behind his desk reads "Edward T. Fortune"). The United Liberty Paper finally finds Darko Brević and, after Niko helps The Contact's mutual friend, John Gravelli, he has him transported to Liberty City from Bucharest and lets Niko deal with him himself. He says he was in the army, and once addresses Niko in Serbian, saying that America is 'just like the Old Country' (Niko responds (in Serbian) "Just like it.").

The Contact's appearance (complete with horn-rimmed glasses) as well as the fact that the agency's front is a paper company may be references to Noah Bennet and Primatech Paper respectively, from the TV series Heroes. The Contact also bears an uncanny resemblance to Milton James, the actor who portrays him.

Within the game's architecture, the character's texture and model are labelled 'GIA' in the absence of a name for the character

United Liberty Paper is voiced by Milton James.

4.Phil Bell:

Phil Bell is a high ranking member of the Pegorino crime family, and the right hand man of Don Jimmy Pegorino. He is 90% Irish with some Italian heritage. He gives Niko a few tasks towards the end of the game, also accompanying him on some of them. Bell and Ray Boccino strongly dislike each other, and after a while Pegorino is forced to choose between the two. He chooses Ray and sends Niko to kill him.

In either the "Deal" or "Revenge" game ending, Phil and Niko end on good terms, and Phil decides to leave organized crime for good. In "Deal", Bell joins Niko in fighting to pick up a large payment for a heroin deal after Dimitri Rascalov has ruined the plans by killing the buyer's representatives, they successfully manage this and both can enjoy a large cut of the cash. In "Revenge" after Niko has killed Dimitri Rascalov, Phil calls to say he understands why Niko chose to do what he did and informs him that the Pegorino's have fallen apart and they can no longer talk. He finishes with "I'm out man, goodbye". It is revealed that Bell has a divorced wife and at least two children.

Phil Bell was voiced by Frank Bonsangue.

5.Jon Gravelli:

Jon Gravelli is an old school and well connected Mafia boss who took charge of the Gambetti Family in 1978 after the death of Sonny Cangelosi. The Gambetti Family became one of the most powerful of Liberty City's Mafia families under Gravelli's leadership. He had a son, Jon Gravelli, Jr., who was a former associate of the Gambetti's but was disowned after he developed a cocaine addiction.

Since 2005, he was a patient in Schottler Medical Center. He was charged with racketeering in 2006 and was awaiting trial. In 2008, Gravelli was introduced to Niko Bellic via cell phone through his contact at U.L. Paper who is referred to as a "mutual friend". Gravelli and Niko quickly take a mutual liking to each other, and Gravelli expresses his gratitude by saying "you've given a dying man a last few moments of happiness". It was through his and U.L Paper's assistance that Niko is able to have Darko Brevic delivered to him. After Niko has taken his revenge on Dimitri Rascalov or Jimmy Pegorino, Gravelli passes away peacefully in his sleep, prior to standing trial. His death was off-screen not showing the outcome.

He might be based on Junior Soprano or real life Mafia Don Carlo Gambino.

Jon Gravelli is voiced by Madison Arnold.

6.Wade "The Fixer" Johnson:

Wade Johnson, known as The Fixer, is an assassin agency manager in Liberty City. He works by receiving tasks from employers and later contacting known hitmen through payphones and delivering instructions to them on who to kill. He is a friend of Phil Bell who establishes a connection between Johnson and Niko Bellic. Johnson gives Niko assassination missions by calling him on a payphone and telling him who to kill. After performing his missions for a time, Fixer cuts ties with Niko to avoid drawing attention towards himself. He can be found on Alderney Island.

7.Vlad Glebov:

Vladimir "Vlad" Glebov (Russian: Владимир "Влад" Глебов) is a Russian loan shark in Hove Beach, Broker. Vlad also owns the Comrades Bar in Hove Beach, which he frequents. Vlad is an alcoholic and a user of cocaine, for he is seen snorting a vial of cocaine on one occasion. Vlad tries to gain respect from more influential gangsters and is sometimes hypocritical about the citizens of Liberty City. He is also extremely selfish. Niko despises Vlad from the start, who treats Roman poorly and refers to Niko as a "yokel" and a "peasant." Niko also warns Vlad to stay away from Mallorie Bardas, Roman's girlfriend. All the same Niko does a few jobs for Vlad as a favor to Roman. After Niko learns that Vlad has been cheating with Mallorie behind Roman's back, he is outraged, especially when Roman tries to convince him to let the matter die. Despite Roman's attempts to talk him out of it, Niko rushes to Comrade's and confronts Vlad. After a furious chase with Vlad, Niko kills him under Broker Bridge, with a panicked Roman by his side, which gains the attention of Vlad's Superior, Mikhail Faustin. Roman lies to Mallorie about his death, saying that he killed Vlad in a fit of rage and that Niko merely disposed of the body for him. On the LCPD database, Vlad is listed as missing, not deceased because Niko and Roman disposed Vlad's body into the Humboldt River from a jetty.

Vlad Glebov is voiced by Misha Kuznetsov.

8.Playboy X:

Trey "Playboy X" Stewart is a black gangbanger. He was introduced to Niko by Elizabeta Torres and he owns a penthouse in Northwood. He was the protégé of Dwayne Forge, a drug baron and gang leader who was recently released from prison, but Playboy has since moved on without him, fully embracing the new criminal world of materialism that blurs on the legitimate. He aspires to be a property developer and "see [his] name in big, gold letters!". He seeks an alliance with an extremely wealthy condo developer from Dubai named Yusuf Amir, by having Niko kill unionized construction workers that have invaded his site, but after the situation, Yusuf refuses to meet with Playboy, and builds a memorial to the murdered workers. He often admits that he is damaging his neighborhood with drugs and says that once he is wealthy he wishes to give back to schools and children. However, his penthouse and lifestyle show that he is already a huge success. Playboy is also sorely uneducated, claiming that Dubai is located in Africa and that Jesus Christ killed John the Baptist. Playboy eventually pays Niko to work for Dwayne, mainly because he does not want to deal with Dwayne himself anymore. After Niko, on Dwayne's orders, shuts down and kills the managers of a strip club that Playboy owns, Playboy realizes that his old mentor does not understand the new way business is done and that he is a hindrance to his organization. He asks Niko to kill Dwayne. Dwayne, sensing he is a target, asks Niko to kill Playboy. Niko must choose whom to kill. If the player kills Dwayne, Playboy pays Niko a large sum of money but scolds him for killing his "father figure" and refuses to speak to him again. If the player chooses to kill Playboy X, a gunfight occurs when Playboy orders his goons to shoot Niko inside his penthouse while he attempts to make an escape through the other building. Once his gang is gunned down by Niko, he is eventually cornered in an alley just as he tries to pull the door open. He attempts to shoot Niko, only to find out that his pistol is jammed (ironically, when he throws it to the ground, it goes off). Niko then executes him. After his death, Niko receives Playboy's penthouse in North Holland (including the outfit worn by Claude in GTA III). The player is also able to befriend Dwayne and call him to send backup during missions.

Playboy X is voiced by Postell Pringle.

9.Mikhail Faustin:

Mikhail Faustin (Russian: Михаил Фаустин) is a major figure in Liberty City's Bratva and the owner of the cabaret club Perestroika. He is considered one of the richest residents of Broker, with a large house in the suburb of Beachgate and a "Turismo" sports car (based on the Ferrari 360 Modena). He has a wife, Ilyena, and a daughter, Anna, who dates a member of the biker gang "The Lost", much to his displeasure. He is first introduced when one of his henchmen abducts Niko and Roman for killing Vlad Glebov and interrogates him for his motive. However, Mikhail's reaction when he discovers what is going on in his basement reveals that he had not authorised it. In his rage, he kills his henchman and shoots Roman in the stomach for screaming too loudly. Although he was far from pleased that Niko killed Vlad, he allows him to walk free as long as he works for him, as he personally believed that Vlad was an idiot himself. Mikhail specifically says "The only reason I keep him around is because I fuck his sister", which also reveals he cheats on his wife. Due to alcohol and drug abuse, Mikhail goes through angry mood swings, which causes him to order hits on people for very minor things. He is also quick to physically and mentally abuse his wife. This upsets his partner and old friend, Dimitri, who realizes that the numerous deaths are bad for business and attracts unwanted attention from the law. Things boil over when Mikhail, on a whim, orders Niko to kill Lenny Petrović, the son of another major Bratva boss, Kenny Petrović, as he suspects Lenny was a snitch. As Dimitri tries to smooth things over with Petrovic, Faustin has Niko blow up a garage in Bohan with a truck fulled with explosives, simply because the owner, an associate of Kenny Petrovic, did not pay him. Dimitri says about Mickahil that he was a good man, he had his temper but he was just and that things "got to him". His wife also states that when the got married he was a nice man and that he made her happy but something changed on him.

Dimitri sets up Niko to assassinate Mikhail, under the promise of protection from Kenny Petrović to prove that the death should be blamed on Mikhail and that Niko was just a hired gun. Deciding there is no choice, Niko confronts Faustin in Perestroikia where he gets into a gunfight with Faustin and his bodyguards. Chasing the crime lord to the top of the club, Niko corners Faustin and aims a gun at him. Enraged and accepting his fate, Faustin begins to ramble at Niko. He tells him that neither he or Dimitri will survive in America without him, and that the greed of Liberty City takes over everyone. Niko executes Faustin, but not before he is warned by Faustin that Dimitri will betray him. When Niko goes to collect the money for the hit, Dimitri tries to sell Niko to his former boss from his Mediterranean human trafficking days, Bulgarin, who believes Niko owes him money after his ship crashed. Faustin was shot at his nightclub. Faustin was revealed to be the main antagonist of the game, but after his death, Dimitri became the main antagonist.

Mikhail Faustin is voiced by Karel Roden.

10.Francis McReary:

Francis "Frankie" McReary is the Deputy Commissioner of the Liberty City Police Department, and hopes to replace Mitt Fitzsimmons as Commissioner when he retires. However, blackmailers have emerged with evidence of his corruption. Francis first meets Niko briefly during a publicity shoot with Manny Escuela and later contacts Niko confidentially, wanting to pay him to silence those who wish to expose his corruption. He also knows that Niko killed Mikhail Faustin, and uses this information to blackmail Niko into his service. Francis is, above all, a hypocrite; believing that his position automatically makes him a good person and absolves him of any corruption. The McReary family is fully aware of this - as a youngster, he became an altar server, insisting that he wanted to serve The Lord. However, Gerry revealed that he only became an altar boy to steal the money from the church collection plate, but believed the theft should be overlooked because he was an altar server. Francis then attempted to become a priest but was barred from applying after it emerged he cheated on his seminary exam. Francis then pursued his career in the L.C.P.D. The only reason why Francis does not take down his own family is because his brother, Gerald, has a lot of dirt on Francis' past and will alert the authorities the moment Francis tries anything.

Francis eventually discovers that his older brother Derrick has returned to Liberty City from Ireland. Francis believes he will alert the press about his corruption, and orders Niko to assassinate Derrick. Francis lures Derrick to a secluded park bench, while Niko waits on a rooftop with a sniper-rifle. However, Niko is then presented with the choice of whether to kill Derrick or Francis. In Blood Brothers, Niko can call Francis to increase his pay before the assassination on Derrick occurs. If Niko decides to kill Derrick, he may call Francis once to remove a 3-Star wanted level. If Niko kills Francis, he gets nothing from Derrick except a "thank you", and Packie will say that he couldn't stand him.

Francis McReary is voiced by Thomas Lyons.

11.Ray Boccino:

Raymondo "Ray" Boccino is a caporegime in the Pegorino Family. After being introduced to Niko by Packie McReary, Ray hires Niko for several jobs, mostly revolving around a valuable diamond deal with Isaac Roth that ultimately fails. After completing a few missions for Ray, Niko is given a safehouse in Alderney. In return for Niko's help, Ray helps locate Florian Cravic, the man Niko had tracked to Liberty City and suspects of betraying his old army unit. The diamond deal is not Ray's first failed large-scale venture, which upsets Don Jimmy Pegorino greatly - he considers Ray to be a dumb thug who's desperate to rise through the ranks. Ray dislikes Phil Bell, due to his closer friendship with Pegorino, despite being of Irish-American descent. He also becomes jealous of Niko as he gains more favor with the Don. Ray was killed in a gangland slaying.

Ray Boccino is voiced by Joe Barbara.

12.Gerry McReary:

Gerald "Gerry" McReary is the boss of the Liberty City Irish Mob and brother of the Deputy Police Commissioner, Francis McReary. He gives orders through his younger brother, Packie. Gerry is upset with the McReary Family's weakened state, which has them working as hired guns for the Pegorino family and other organizations, because they used to be the most powerful gang in the city. He does not trust Niko at first because he is not Irish, but changes his mind after Niko helps the McReary Family with a daring bank heist. Gerry then tasks Niko with attacking other criminal organizations to prove that the McReary Family still has power, but which also benefit his employer, Don Jimmy Pegorino. Gerry starts to grow a trust with Niko asking him to help watch over the family while he's in prison. Throughout the course of the game, he is released from prison and subsequently rearrested on charges such as armed robbery and racketeering. Despite being incarcerated, Gerry still gives thinly veiled orders to Niko revolving around the kidnapping of Gracie Ancelotti to barter for diamonds that the Ancelotti family stole from Ray Boccino. Although Packie initially believes that the charges against Gerry will be dropped, Gerry hints to Niko that he will be in prison until 2009

Gerry McReary is voiced by P. J. Sosko.

13.Derrick McReary:

Derrick McReary is yet another member of McReary Family and the oldest. He has a severe addiction to heroin, so Packie asks Niko to keep an eye out for his brother's safety. Derrick has recently returned from Ireland where he assisted the Provisional Irish Republican Army in fighting the British, but his other brother, Francis, says that Derrick actually fled there to lie low because he ripped off powerful mobsters in Liberty City. Two of Derrick's old friends, Bucky Sligo and Aiden O'Malley, believed that Derrick snitched on them to the authorities and constantly threatened him and his family as result, despite Derrick's claims of innocence. The accusations from his former friends caused him tremendous grief and fueled his drug addictions. If Niko hangs out with Packie enough, he will eventually reveal that Derrick actually did snitch on Bucky and Aiden (This is also indicated on his record LCPD criminal profile database, accessible on the in-game internet). Derrick McReary was the leader of the Irish Mob but gave the position to Gerry after he left.

Derrick seems to be the most compassionate of all the McReary children, as is shown with the way he tries to calm down the bank staff and customers during the heist. When Francis discovers that Derrick is back in town, he worries that he will reveal Francis' corruption to the press for money. He talks with Derrick in a park as part of an attempt to use Niko to kill him, thinking that he must go outside the law to take down his brother. Niko has a choice of whom to kill. If Derrick is killed, Francis then provides Niko with a more detailed version of the LCPD database and the player will also have the option to call Francis to get rid of a wanted level up to 3 stars only once. Niko will also be paid very royaly in the process. If Francis is killed, Derrick will last be seen at his funeral and never appears again.

Derrick McReary is voiced by George Feaster.

14.Manny Escuela:

Manuel "Manny" Escuela is a Puerto Rican former hoodlum who has supposedly changed his ways, and wants to clean up the streets. He operates from a recreational center in a South Bohan housing project where he works as a dance instructor. He is currently recording a documentary explaining his struggles and problems.Manny hires Niko to kill criminals while Manny takes the credit. He gets upset with the final cut of the documentary, claiming it does not make him look "street." As a result, Niko becomes more annoyed of Manny running his mouth. He is shot in the head along with his cameraman by Elizabeta Torres after he angers her by confronting her for new, more aggressive material for the documentary. The bodies are given to a doctor for the black market organ trade, which Niko finds ironic because Manny will finally help people, but in a very different way. Because Niko gave Manny and Jay's bodies to a black market doctor, they are listed as "Missing" on the LCPD database, and not "Deceased." In "Grand Theft Auto IV: The Ballad of Gay Tony", Troy, the doorman at Tony Prince's nightclub Hercules, says he is going to have a film crew follow him around because their previous subject (Manny) disappeared. Manny was shot dead in the head.

Manny Escuela is voiced by Berto Colón

15.Elizabeta Torres:

Elizabeta 'Liz' Torres is a successful small-time Puerto Rican drug dealer in Bohan. She was notorious in her home country after she brutally killed a man that tried to rape her when she was only 14. However, Elizabeta knows an upcoming drug crackdown is going to make her life very difficult[13] and with her own narcotic use spiraling out of control, she's becoming increasingly paranoid and delusional. She introduces Niko to Packie McReary and later to Johnny Klebitz. In a drugged panic, she shoots Manny and his cameraman Jay[9] after he tries to film her as part of his documentary about the crime in Bohan. She then tells Niko to drive the bodies to a black market building before the cops find out about it. After Niko eliminates the bodies of Manny and his cameraman, he receives a call from Elizabeta saying that she's cutting off their relationship because the police are closing in on her. By using the police database website, the player can find out she is in police custody. According to news reports, and the in-game radio, Torres is found guilty of 30 charges of cocaine distribution, 10 years per charge, totaling 300 years to life in prison, and would die during her imprisonment. It is also hinted that she may be bisexual, but she mentions to Johnny Klebitz that she has been married three times.

Elizabeta initially appeared in the third trailer and in the promotional artwork for the game. Although earlier renditions of the artwork depict her as much thinner than her final appearance, it is shown on advertisement posters made by Rockstar Games that she is between 170 cm - 180 cm tall and may weigh 235-265 pounds. Elizabeta drives a pink and white Voodoo and she lives in an apartment block on San Quentin Avenue in Fortside.

Elizabeta Torres is voiced by Charlie Parker.

Minor supporting characters:


Michelle/Karen is Niko's first girlfriend and met through Mallorie Bardas. Niko takes her on a date to the carnival, though these arrangements are changed to the bowling alley.

Niko appears to like Michelle, and Roman and Mallorie encourage him to keep dating her - however, the player may notice Michelle is very awkward or wooden around Niko. Her conversations and text messages are also suspicious - they are always probing about whether Niko is involved with some "bad people".

Provided she is taken on enough good dates, Michelle may invite Niko into her home. She "appreciates" Niko in her wooden way, and Niko refers to her as a "good listener".

Later in the game, (During the mission "The Snow Storm") she reveals her real name is Karen, and that she has betrayed him. She takes the drugs Niko had stolen, blackmailing Niko into working for U.L.Paper. After this mission Niko can no longer date her. Niko is understandably extremely bitter, and the two never speak again after a final confrontation outside Paper's building. Karen is never seen again after that.

U.L.Paper reveals that Karen tricked Niko for them to "get her life back". She made some mistakes in her life, and needed some money and freedom to get on with it. Niko places much of the blame on Roman for introducing him to her, increasing tensions further after his apartment and business are destroyed.

Later in the game, (During a cutscene with his U.L Paper contact) Niko asks what happened to Karen. He was told "We gave her her life back."

Michelle is voiced by Rebecca Henderson.

2.Kim Young-Guk:

Young-Guk Kim (Korean: 김영국) is the son of a North Korean friend of Derrick McReary and the leader of the Korean Mob based in Alderney City. Derrick and Niko help Kim enter Liberty City by sea, protecting him from rival gang members who are trying to kill Kim by destroying his boat and its cargo of smuggled counterfeit supernotes. Niko later kills him under orders from U.L. Paper and Jon Gravelli by chasing him out of a Korean restaurant and killing him as he flees in his car.

Kim's first name, 영국, literally translates to "England" in the Korean language; it is not a real Korean name.

3.Darko Brevic:

Darko Brevic (Croatian: Darko Brević) is the tertiary antagonist of Grand Theft Auto IV. He is the man who betrayed Niko Bellic's old army unit. As a reward for all of Niko's help, Jon Gravelli and United Liberty Paper track down Darko in Bucharest, Romania. They kidnap him and bring him to Liberty City where Niko confronts him, discovering that Darko has a drug addiction and that he betrayed his unit for a mere $1,000 in order to fund his addiction, and implies that he wanted to get back at some members of the unit who murdered his neighbours. During the time that has since passed, his addiction has worsened from his overwhelming guilt. Darko begs Niko to kill him, freeing him from his demons. The player is given the choice of killing him or sparing his life. If the player spares Darko, Darko will stand up to his feet, then runs away screaming, and is no longer seen again. Niko initially becomes angry at his decision, but later admits that "it took every fiber of my being pulling in the same direction not to kill Darko," and decides that killing Darko would not have changed anything and that allowing him to suffer is a worse punishment than death. Both Roman and Bernie congratulate him for finally releasing his inner demons and overcoming his desire for revenge. If the player decides to execute Darko, Niko will shoot him twelve times, one shot for each of his lost friends. Darko then thanks Niko with his dying breath and Niko does not feel any better at all.

Darko Brević is voiced by Michael Medeiros.

4.Ray Bulgarin:

Ray Bulgarin (Russian: Рэй Болгарин)(1958-2008) is a Russian mobster who was formerly in charge of a human trafficking ring across the Mediterranean Sea. He appears as the main antagonist of Grand Theft Auto: The Ballad of Gay Tony. Bulgarin first meets Luis when he calls him down to meet him and his partner Timur. Bulgarin and Timur give Luis various missions. In one mission, he phones Luis and tells him to go get the diamonds from an apartment. Luis fails to get the diamonds which results in Bulgarin's betrayal. In the final mission, Luis goes to Funland in Hove Beach and kills Timur and makes it onto a plane that Bulgarin is planning to leave on and mortally wounds him by shooting him and causes him to drop a grenade and the pin, blowing up Bulgarin and the plane as Luis jumps out.

5.Luca Silvestri:

Luca Silvestri is a high ranking member of the Pegorino crime family. As part of a plan to smuggle diamonds for Ray Boccino, Luca and two fellow gang members, Joe DiLeo and John Barbosa - along with Niko - were assigned to pick up garbage bags secretly filled with the diamonds. When Niko departs, Luca and the rest of his crew keep some of the diamonds for themselves and plan to start a new life in Las Venturas. Ray finds out and sends Niko to stop them. Luca and his crew try to escape, but they crash their car in Middle Park. Luca retreats to a public restroom stall, where Niko corners and kills him and retrieves the diamonds. Ray reveals that he never intended for Niko to kill them during a phone call with Niko.

Luca Silvestri is voiced by Robert Kelly.

6.Real Badman:

Teafore "Badman" Maxwell-Davies is a Caribbean cannabis dealer, associate and best friend of Little Jacob. He speaks Jamaican Patois, as opposed to Jacob's Rastafarian English. As a result, Jacob acts as his "translator." When introduced to Niko, he complains about an amateur dealer moving in on his turf and asks Niko to eliminate the dealers. Afterwards, he can be encountered on the streets, where he teams up with Niko to take out a rival gang of drug dealers. Jacob often mentions Badman's growing paranoia due to his marijuana consumption, expressing concern that he doesn't want to get in his way. Niko suggests that Jacob convince him to stop taking as much, but Jacob mentions another criminal, nicknamed "Grandad," who was the only man able to calm Badman down and who has since retired to Jamaica. Regardless of this, Badman appears at Roman's and Mallorie's wedding among the guests.

Real Badman is voiced by Seeborn.

7.Johnny Barbosa:

:Johnny "Johnny Spaz" Barbosa is a member of the Pegorino Crime Family. He first appears alongside Luca and Tuna Fish when the trio work together with Niko in order to collect a stash of diamonds from the trash. Soon after, the three plan to steal the diamonds and move to Las Venturas to start a new life. Niko confronts them in order to retrieve the diamonds for Ray and Johnny reveals that they plan to place the blame for the theft on him. After a brief chase, the car Johnny and the others were in crashes in Middle Park and Barbosa is killed, alongside Tuna Fish, during a shootout with Niko.

8.Joe DiLeo:

Joe "Tuna Fish" DiLeo is a member of the Pegorino Crime Family. He first appears, alongside Luca and Johnny Spaz, when the trio work together with Niko in order to collect a stash of diamonds from the trash. Soon after, the three plan to steal the diamonds and move to Las Venturas in order to start a new life. Niko confronts them in order to retrieve the diamonds for Ray and gets involved in a chase after Johnny tells him they plan to place the blame for the theft on him. After a brief chase, the car Joe and the others were in crashes in Middle Park and DiLeo is killed, alongside Johnny Spaz, during a shootout with Niko.

Joe "Tuna" DiLeo is voiced by Pete Pavio.

9.Isaac Roth:

Isaac Roth (born 1977 - 2008) is a Diamond dealer and the Hasidic leader of a Jewish mob. Roth deals with "blood diamonds", which are illegal. After a deal in the Libertonian Museum goes awry and the diamonds in question are lost in the fray, Ray Boccino and Isaac blame each other. After Isaac threatens to kill Ray, he sends Niko to the Majestic Hotel to kill Isaac. His name and behaviour is likely a reference to Hyman Roth, a fictional Jewish mobster and prime antagonist of The Godfather Part II.

Isaac Roth is voiced by Modi Rosenfeld.

10.Gracie Ancelotti:

Grace "Gracie" Ancelotti is the daughter of Giovanni Ancelotti, boss of the Ancelotti crime family. Gerry McReary orders her kidnapped, in order to bargain with the Ancelottis for money. Niko kidnaps her after responding to a "For Sale" ad she posted online for her pink Feltzer. Before her kidnapping, Gracie shows a liking towards Niko, saying he could "test drive" anything he wants. After Niko test drives her car, during which she seems to actually fancy Niko, he drives her to the safehouse to kidnap her. On the way, she tries to wrestle control of the steering wheel from him and climb out from the car, and is subsequently knocked out by Niko. Niko develops a deep loathing for her during this sequence. This is shown mostly by the fact that he has her bound and gagged throughout most of her appearances and makes her travel in the trunk of his car. After she is returned to her family, she can be encountered outside her home, where she recognizes Niko (though he pretends to not know her) and orders some mobsters to attack him. She can be found on the ingame police register, where she is registered as 32 years of age.

Gracie Ancelotti is voiced by Rebecca Benhayon.

11.Michael Keane:

"Saint" Michael Keane is an associate of the McReary Crime Family. He is often remarked on as being unintelligent by his cohorts, who accuse him of being inbred. He helps Packie, Gordon and Niko rob the Ancelotti Crime Family at their Warehouse on Colony Island. Later, he helps them rob the Bank of Liberty with Derrick McReary. However, Derrick and Packie argue, providing an opportunity for a hostage to pull out his gun and shoot Michael in the ribs, named Eugene Reaper "The Robbery Hero", killing Michael. Packie laments on his death, wishing he'd been nicer to him. Derrick however assures Packie that Michael adored him and gained fulfilment simply by being accepted by him.

Michael Keane is voiced by Pete O'Connor.

12.Gordon Sargent:

Gordon Sargent is an associate of the Liberty City's Declining Irish Mob. He robs, along with Packie McReary, Michael Keane and Niko Bellic, the Ancelotti Crime Family's Waste Management Office on Colony Island. Gordon is later assigned to keep watch over the kidnapped Gracie Ancelotti. He is also seen in Team Mafiya Work, who wants to be taken out "whoring".

Gordon Sargent is voiced by David Conley.

13.Lenny Petrovic:

Leonid "Lenny" Petrovic (Russian: Леонид "Лени" Петрович) is the son of Kenny Petrovic and working for Mikhail Faustin. He first appears in The Peep Hole sex shop when Dimitri and Niko plan to confront the owners about not paying Faustin during which Dimitri shoves him out of his chair, since he was blocking the back room. Shortly after, he is suspected of betraying Faustin and Niko is ordered to kill him, which he does in a car chase. After assassinating Lenny, Dimitri reveals that only by killing Faustin can Niko be spared by Kenny Petrović for killing his son.

14.Frankie Gallo:

Frankie Gallo is the nephew of Phil Bell who is assigned the job of sitting on the Triad's heroin stash while looking out for the feds. After sitting on the drugs for some time, Phil and Niko arrive to pick it up in order to sell it. It turns out, however, that federal agents were watching Frankie the entire time and arrive to arrest the trio which results in a chase. After they abandon their cars a gunfight with the authorities ensues in which Frankie can be killed or saved. After escaping from police, Niko drops off Phil with or without Frankie depending on the occurrence. If he is saved, Phil and Frankie congratulate Niko for his performance but Frankie cared more about his newly-wedded wife. If he dies, Phil becomes upset and states that it is just another reason for his sister to hate him.

15.Ilyena Faustin:

Ilyena Faustin (Russian: Елена Фаустина) is the wife of Mikhail Faustin, and the mother of his daughter Anna. Ilyena has short blonde hair and seems to be in her mid 40's. She is a legal immigrant from Russia, and has a candid talk with Niko. She is shown to be friendly and timid, in contrast to her arrogant and abusive husband. She is often attacked by her husband and yelled at for continuing her Russian customs, such as her use of a Samovar to make tea. Her husband is also revealed to be unfaithful to her, as shown when he casually tells Niko he sleeps with Vlad's sister and when he is flirting with two women in the Perestroika. After Faustin's death she is found at Firefly Island by Niko and tells him about how her life and financial situation has worsened as a result of Faustin's death. She also worries her daughter will become a stripper due to her hanging out with a suspicious man who is a member of The Lost biker gang. Niko, feeling guilty for causing Ilyena problems, goes to beat up the person who keeps harassing her daughter. Before he leaves to accomplish the task she begs him not to kill the man. After he does this, she will call him and tell him that Anna is crying in her room and that she is okay at the moment. If he kills the man, she will call him and angrily remind him that this is the second man in Anna's life he's killed.

Ileyna Faustin is voiced by Marcy Maguigan.

16.Anna Faustin:

Anna Faustin (Russian: Анна Фаустина) is the daughter of Mikhail and Ilyena Faustin. Anna is a 20 year old who used to reside in Beachgate, Broker with her parents until her father's death. According to Mikhail, she was born in Russia and raised in America, where she became americanized. Much to her father's disapproval, she was dating a biker named Jason Michaels, a member of The Lost MC. Mikhail had the biker chased down and killed by Niko. Following her father's death, she and her mother had to move into a one room apartment due to the family-house being repossessed. She dated another man whom Ilyena feared of him that he was trying to turn her into a stripper or even worse. Ilyena ordered Niko to make him leave her. If Niko beats up the man, he will receive a happy call from Ilyena and if he kills him, he will receive an angry call instead and Ilyena will tell him that he is just like Mikhail.

Anna Faustin is voiced by Krystyna Jakubiak.

17.Jay Hamilton:

Jay Hamilton is the cameraman of Manny Escuela who films him during his quest to clean the streets of criminals. Manny, however, is not impressed with Jay and thinks he is making him look homosexual. He is later killed, along with Manny, by Elizabeta Torres after they confront her about her drug dealings.

18.Ivan Bytchkov:

Ivan Bytchkov (Russian: Иван Бычков) is a Russian burglar based in Hove Beach. Vlad Glebov orders Niko to execute him by Mikhail Faustin's command. Ivan can be killed or left alive. If left alive, he is later encountered on the streets. Ivan is engaged, lives in Alderney, and has a new job as a "money lender." Niko helps Ivan collect a debt from several thugs who choose not to repay him.

Ivan Bytchkov is voiced by Lev Gorn.

19.Dardan Petrela:

Dardan Pretela is the leader of the Albanian loan-sharks and also operates in a fence by selling stolen objects which is by said Roman when he says "If I wanted to buy a stolen T.V, I would go to Dardan." He works along with his brother Kalem and friend, Bledar Morina. First, he is seen with Bledar preparing to go into a gambling den Roman was currently in and extort money of him. Second, Niko breaks his arm in the mission Three's A Crowd, Third, Niko then chases him down and kills him with a knife (or it is possible for the protagonist to kick him out of the window, causing him to fall down and slam on top of the roof, before plunging into the ocean) after Bledar and Kalem beat up Roman at a basketball court. As a result, Dardan is killed along with his brother Kalem, and his associate, Bledar. Their deaths leave Roman debt free with the Albanians.

Dardan Petrela is voiced by Peter Linari.

20.Maureen McReary:

Maureen McReary (born 1937) is the elderly mother of Packie, Gerry, Derrick, Francis and Kate McReary. She is well aware of her sons' criminal activities. If the player kills Derrick, Maureen is devastated that he is dead because he never got to live a successful life. If the player kills Francis, she thinks that he was killed simply because he was a cop. She feels most close to Packie out of all her children, and although he hates being kept under his mother's wing, Packie cares for her deeply. It is revealed on the LCPD database that she has a criminal record, having been an accessory to murder.

Maureen McReary is voiced by Doris Belack.

21.Hossan Ramzy:

Hossan Ramzy (born 1968) is an Egyptian merchant seaman, Niko Bellic's former shipmate and friend from the Platypus in Grand Theft Auto IV. In the game's introduction, he expresses a desire to "make a go of it" and enter the United States to live the American Dream. In an e-mail, Hossan says that he has jumped ship in Florida, and expects to reside there; eventually, however, he decides to head back north to Liberty City. Niko meets up with Hossan in a random encounter in western Algonquin, where he works as a street vendor selling counterfeit purses and bags. During this encounter, he and Niko pursue and kill a man who refused to pay Hossan for his work due to his status as an immigrant.

Hossan is voiced by Sean Krishnan

Tuesday 17 July 2012



1.Johnny Klebitz:

Jonathan "Johnny" Klebitz (born 1974) is the main protagonist and playable character of Grand Theft Auto IV: The Lost and Damned, the first of two downloadable episodic packs for the game. Dan Houser describes Johnny to be "a very different character than Niko, with a very different background."

Johnny is the 34-year-old, Jewish Vice President of The Lost biker gang. Johnny was introduced to Billy Grey as a child by his elder brother Mikey. While Mikey became a law-abiding citizen, and eventually an Iraqi War veteran, Billy became a bad influence on Johnny and both started a life of crime, eventually joining the Lost MC's Alderney Chapter. Up until the start of the story, Johnny has been leading the gang in Billy's absence. Unlike Billy, Johnny actually cares about the future of The Lost Brotherhood and its members, brokering the truce between the Lost MC and Angels of Death. Johnny is also much more headstrong and sensible than the other bikers. Johnny bears many scars, is blind in one eye, and walks, runs, and sprints slightly slower than Niko and Luis, most likely as a result of injuries he sustained in a motorcycle accident.

Johnny Klebitz is voiced by Scott Hill.

2.Billy Grey:

William "Billy" Grey (1971–2008) is the President of The Lost Motorcycle Club and the main antagonist of The Lost and Damned. Billy was friends with Johnny's older brother Mikey as teenagers; this was how Johnny met Billy. At the start of the game, he is released from rehab after being "cured" of his heroin addiction and retakes his position as the club's President. Unlike Johnny, Billy is aggressive, reckless, and impulsive; he immediately breaks an uneasy truce Johnny had established between the Lost and their rivals the Angels of Death, reigniting a bloody turf war. Billy later leads a raid on the AOD Clubhouse to steal a large amount of heroin, falsely claiming it was to avenge the death of Lost MC member Jason Michaels. In the mission "This S***'s Cursed", Jim discovers that the stolen heroin belongs to the Triads. Billy wants to keep the heroin for themselves; however, Johnny and Jim, not wanting the attention associated with the drugs, manage to convince him to sell the heroin back to the Triads. When the deal takes place, the Triads, insulted by the thought of having to buy back their own heroin, immediately become hostile, and Jim and Johnny are forced to shoot their way out of Dragon Heart Plaza. At the same time, Billy is apprehended by the police, with several unexplained injuries. It is revealed in The Ballad of Gay Tony that Billy had actually arranged for the Triads to kill Johnny and Jim in the exchange. In the game's finale, Thomas Stubbs informs Johnny that Billy wants to testify against him and other members of Lost MC in exchange for freedom and a new condo in Arizona. Johnny and the remaining Lost MC members stage a raid on the prison, where Johnny faces and personally executes Billy. His arrest and betrayal are the key factors leading to the split and eventual break up of The Lost's Alderney chapter.

Billy Grey is voiced by Lou Sumrall.

3.Jim Fitzgerald:

James "The Fitz" Fitzgerald (1963–2008) is the Treasurer of The Lost Motorcycle Club and a close friend of Johnny Klebitz. It is implied he is one of the oldest gang members and unlike most of them, he is responsible, fair, calm and collected. He is also one of the only members with a stable family life, having a wife and young child. Jim can provide Johnny with a fully loaded weapon of choice, if he's called. After Johnny rips off Ray Boccino in a diamond operation, Boccino kidnaps Jim and tortures him by burning him with a blow torch. Together with Johnny, he manages to escape but is later killed by Niko Bellic in a bike chase. Johnny later remembers Jim as "the best thing to ever happen to the club". After Jim's death, Johnny promises to support Jim's family. It is mentioned in dialogue that Jim was a part of the marines before his life with The Lost.

Although the biker killed by Niko is reported to be Jim in in-game media outlets, his appearance and voice in Grand Theft Auto IV vastly differ from that in The Lost and Damned. Therefore, he technically only makes a "proper" appearance in the expansion pack.

Jim Fitzgerald was voiced by Chris McKinney.

4.Brian Jeremy:

Brian "BJ" Jeremy (1969–2008) is the Club Secretary in The Lost Motorcycle Club and is the tertiary antagonist in the game. He is completely loyal, if not a puppet, to the club's President, Billy Grey. During Billy's time in rehab, and Johnny's short stint as the club's President; he strongly opposes the policies Johnny enacts, such as forming a truce with the Angels of Death. This causes him to temporarily leave, and rejoin the gang once he and Johnny form a mutual truce. When Billy is released and reinstated as President, he makes Brian his right hand man, a decision which irks some members of The Lost due to Brian's departure. After Billy is arrested during a botched heroin deal, Brian, believing Johnny ratted Billy out to regain power, rallies other members of The Lost who supported Billy and forms his own chapter, starting a civil war within The Lost. After a brief gang war, Johnny, with the help of Jim Fitzgerald, is able to track down Brian at his safe house and has the option to execute him. Johnny then takes Brian's home for himself. If Brian is spared, he eventually reappears in a random street encounter, where he leads Johnny into a trap. Johnny kills Brian's gang and executes him.

In-game dialog reveals that Brian has never had a girlfriend, citing he "can't waste his time with that crap" and that he has all the "hole" he needs at the clubhouse. Johnny accuses Brian of having anti-Semitic belief - Brian insulted Johnny's Jewish heritage throughout the game. Interestingly, Brian's portrait is hanged up on The Lost's memorial after he dies, albeit heavily mistreated.

Brain Jeremy was voiced by Adrian Martinez.

5.Ray Boccino:

Raymond "Ray" Boccino (Born 1976) is a capo for the Pegorino Crime Family and is the secondary antagonist of the game. It is implied that he is in a relationship with Johnny's ex-girlfriend Ashley. Johnny first meets Boccino at the Lost Clubhouse, talking to Billy Grey about potential business. When the Lost enters a civil war after Billy's arrest, Boccino reveals the location of Brian Jeremy's safehouse, stating that the Lost's internal conflict is interrupting his business. Later, Boccino hires Johnny to steal $2 million worth of diamonds from nightclub owner Tony Prince and stash the diamonds in two separate trash bags to be picked up later by Boccino's men. He later tells Johnny to go to the Libertonian Museum to meet with Niko Bellic and sell the diamonds to the Jewish Mafia; however, the deal is ambushed by Tony Prince's personal bodyguard Luis Lopez, and Johnny escapes, taking the money. When Boccino learns about Johnny's double cross from Niko, Boccino kidnaps Jim Fitzgerald and attempts to torture him to reveal the location of the money. Johnny helps Jim escape, and Boccino sends hitmen after both of them. Johnny successfully kills the ones pursuing him; however, Jim is ultimately killed by Niko Bellic, who is working for Ray at the time. As a last attack against The Lost, Ray convinces its former president, Billy Grey, to tell the police of the dealings of The Lost. At the start of "Get Lost", Johnny wants to attack Boccino to avenge Jim's death; however, Stubbs tells him not to as he states that Boccino and the rest of the Pegorino Family is imploding, and its members will be arrested or dead within the month. Indeed, Niko kills Boccino on Don James Pegorino's order, and Pegorino himself is killed at the end of GTA IV.

Ray Boccino is voiced by Joe Barbara.

6.Ashley Butler:

Ashley "Ash" Butler (born 1981) is Johnny's ex-girlfriend and known associate of Pegorino Family capo Ray Boccino. Ashley is a drug addict, and her addiction has gotten her in trouble several times; early in the game, Johnny must save her from a crackhouse in the Northern Algonquin projects. Later, Ashley gets into deep debt with the Russian Mafia, and Johnny is forced to kidnap Roman Bellic for GTA IV antagonist Dimitri Rascalov in order to pay off her debt. At the end of the storyline, Johnny tells Ashley that he wants nothing to do with her any longer.

7.Thomas Stubbs III:

Thomas "Tom" Stubbs III (born 1965) is a corrupt, albeit very formal, friendly, and well-educated Congressman of the Liberty City State. He has been criticized by Liberty City's media for his attempts to get a major tsunami protection plan and avalanche warning system in place for the city, neither of which it needs. He is a contact of Johnny Klebitz, and hires him to carry out missions for his political gain, such as killing his own uncle or hijacking a prison bus to help free some of his supporters. Later, Johnny helps Stubbs out with other small jobs, by either helping out one of his supporters escape police custody or killing or incriminating his detractors. At the end of the game, Stubbs helps The Lost Brotherhood by informing Johnny of Billy Grey's treachery, and how Grey plans to sell out Klebitz and the rest of The Lost Brotherhood so he can be set free.

His appearance in "Politics" drew controversy for his full-frontal nudity.

Thomas Stubbs III is voiced by John Lantz.

8.Terry Thorpe:

Terrence "Terry" Thorpe (born 1977) is the Sergeant-at-Arms of the Lost MC and a friend of Johnny Klebitz. He was also responsible for running the Lost's methamphetamine labs. Like Clay, Johnny can contact Terry to go on an outing or to provide backup. Terry can also be called for weapons delivery. It is revealed that Terry was married once and really hated his wife. Like Little Jacob, Terry is almost always seen smoking.

Terry Thorpe is voiced by Joshua Burrow.and his weapons are fully auto pistol uzi ak47 m4a1

9.Clay Simons:

Clayton "Clay" Simons (born 1954) is the Road Captain of the Lost MC and a friend of Johnny Klebitz. Johnny can contact Clay to deliver a bike to his location, provide backup, or go on an outing. In-game dialog reveals that Clay used to work for the army and only favored the women he met and had affairs with. Jim, Terry, and Johnny constantly tease him about having multiple STD's.

Clay Simons was voiced by Keith Smith.

10.Elizabeta Torres:

Elizabeta "Liz" Torres (born 1977) is a Bohan-based drug dealer. She and The Lost MC have a strong relationship, as they trust her to find a buyer for the heroin that they have stolen from the Angels of Death; however, the buyer in question turned out to be an undercover LCPD officer investigating Torres' drug operation. Later, she has Johnny and Malc steal a large shipment of cocaine as it crosses the East Borough Bridge. She employs Johnny to pick up her drug mule Marta from Francis International Airport before the LCPD and FIB can arrest her. Johnny and Malc help Liz one last time by selling the cocaine that they have stolen earlier; however, the buyers attempt to steal the cocaine for themselves. After one of the buyers destroys Johnny's bike, the LCPD show up, believing that the explosion was a terrorist attack. After a lengthy car chase, Elizabeta warns Johnny to stay away from her as the LCPD and FIB are closing in on her operation. Should Johnny call her after the mission, she will tell him that the police are outside the apartment and that she and Marta are flushing the coke.

Elizabeta Torres is voiced by Charleigh E. Parker.


Malcolm, or shortly Malc (born 1977) is a member of the Uptown Riders. Introduced to Johnny by Jim Fitzgerald, he is an ally of the Lost MC despite the cultural differences between the two gangs (The Lost MC drive American-made choppers and listen to hard rock and heavy metal whereas the Uptown Riders prefer imported Japanese sport bikes and hip-hop). He supplies Johnny with pipe bombs to destroy gang vans belonging to Angels of Death. Later, he works with Johnny for Elizabeta to steal a van containing cocaine and later attempting to sell said product. He also helps Johnny to kidnap Roman Bellic when Johnny did not want to get his Lost MC brothers involved.

Malc is voiced by Walter T. Mudu.


1.Angus Martin:

Angus Martin (born 1975) is a member of the Lost MC and a friend of Johnny's. He uses a wheelchair because of an accident caused by Billy Grey, leaving Angus with a pessimistic outlook on life. He harbours a deep hatred towards Billy and Brian Jeremy as well as the direction they are taking the Lost MC. He and Jim run a bike smuggling ring to make money for the Lost MC, and Johnny can contact Angus to perform bike thefts. Angus is one of the few Lost MC members who sides with Johnny when the Brotherhood splits after Billy's arrest and one of its only surviving members at game's end.

Angus Martin was voiced by Brian Tarantina

2.Jason Michaels:

Jason Michaels (1979–2008) is a recently patched-in member of the Lost MC and serves as its Enforcer. Additionally, he ran the Lost's prostitution ring as a pimp. He had a relationship with Anna Faustin, the daughter of Russian Mafia boss Mikhail Faustin. He is killed when Faustins Enforcer, Niko Bellic is sent to see Jason. (on Faustin's order) while other Lost MC members were attacking the Angels of Death. When Billy announced Jason's death, he gives a brief speech about Jason's character. Billy later falsely claims that it was the Angels of Death who had killed Jason and uses this to justify a raid on the AOD clubhouse to steal a large amount of heroin.

Jason Michaels is voiced by Bill Burr.


DeSean is a member of the Uptown Riders and the best friend of Malc. He is seen whenever the Uptown Riders assist Johnny and The Lost M.C.. He helps Johnny and Malc in some of Elizabeta's missions. Later he was hurt by some thugs in a race but Johnny saves him.

DeSean is voiced by Craig Grant.

4.Niko Bellic:

Niko Bellic (born 1978) is the main protagonist of Grand Theft Auto IV but makes a minor appearance in The Lost and Damned, which crosses over with Niko's storyline at various points in the game. Niko meets the game’s protagonist, Johnny Klebitz, twice during the game, much like in his main story, along with a cameo in the game’s intro. Niko also plays a hand in some of the events that transpired in The Lost and Damned. One of these events was killing Lost MC member Jason Michaels, which The Lost's leader, Billy Grey, falsely claims was an attack by their rivals, The Angels of Death, provoking the gang war between them. Later, when Niko works for Ray Boccino, he assassinates the treasurer of The Lost, Jim Fitzgerald, after Johnny steals Ray’s money during a diamond trade. This event acts as part of a chain of events that leads to the breakup of The Lost. Eventually, if the player calls the bugs they placed in Bernie Crane's Infernus at the beginning of the game, the player will hear gunshots, sirens, and Niko insulting the LCPD, a result of Bernie giving the car to Niko.

Niko Bellic is voiced by Michael Hollick.

5.Random Biker:

Credited as Random Biker

At the end of "Its War" he is present among the other Lost MC members as Billy Grey gives his speech about Jason Micheals. The same biker also appears at the end of "This Shit's Cursed" after Johnny, Jim, and Brian return from the Dragon Heart Plaza in which he and Brian question and harass Johnny and Jim about how Billy got arrested. He later joins Brian's faction and is present at the docks when a battle between the two factions erupts during which he manages to escape along with Brian. He is later present at Brian's safehouse when Johnny attacks it to kill Brian. During the assault, he attempts to protect Brian only for Johnny to shoot him dead in retaliation.

6.Luis Fernando Lopez:

Luis Fernando Lopez (born 1983) is a Dominican street gangster who works as a personal bodyguard for Anthony "Gay Tony" Prince, a nightclub entrepreneur, and the main protagonist of The Ballad of Gay Tony. Luis appears in The Lost and Damned twice. In the mission "Diamonds in the Rough", after being ambushed by the Lost MC, he is seen telling "Gay Tony's" boyfriend Evan Moss to flee with the diamonds in a limo with protagonist Johnny Klebitz in hot pursuit, while Luis Lopez dealt with the rest of the Lost MC. Later in "Collector's Item", Luis ambushes the Libertonian diamond deal, killing Jewish mob member Mori Green and stealing back the diamonds.

Luis Fernando Lopez was voiced by Mario D'Leon

7.Dave Grossman:

David "Dave" Grossman (born 1967) is a lawyer who hangs out the Lost MC in his spare time as a prospective member. Although Johnny belittles him for his day job, Johnny helps out Dave when he is faced with a sexual harassment lawsuit from his secretary. Johnny finds the attorney working on the case and "persuades" him to drop the case, as Johnny states that the only good lawyer is a dead one. It is unknown what became of Dave when the Lost MC disbanded.

Dave Grossman is voiced by Jay Patterson.

8.Jimmy Matthews and Ed McCornish:

James Matthews (1980–2008) and Edward McCornish (1976–2008) are two corrupt LCPD detectives. They are investigating the Angels of Death, which means they also keep an eye on The Lost. They frequently harass The Lost and try to put the squeeze on them. They were drawn into an ambush by Jim Fitzgerald and Johnny Klebitz, and both were shot dead.


Marta is a drug mule working for Elizabeta Torres. Johnny escorts her from the airport to Elizabeta's apartment after the LCPD and FIB attempts to arrest her at the airport. After completing Torres' missions, Johnny can call Elizabeta and she will tell him that she and Marta are flushing the coke. Marta is presumably arrested with Elizabeta.


Andreas is the bodyguard of Elizabeta Torres. Because of his incompetence, however, Liz mostly regulates him to be her housemaid. What happened to him after Elizabeta's arrest is unknown.



Leavis (born 1948) is the maître d’ of the Jousters gentlemen's club, of which Thomas Stubbs is a member. When Johnny first appears at the club in the mission "Politics", Leavis asks him to leave for his uncouth appearance and attitude; however, when Johnny states that he has an appointment with Stubbs, Leavis leads him to the congressman, who is taking in a massage. In "Off Route", Johnny asks Leavis if he is satisfied with his position in life before meeting with Stubbs. Leavis ponders the question, decides that he is okay with his position, and then asks Johnny the same question.

2.Arthur Stubbs:

Arthur Stubbs (1925–2008) is the uncle of Thomas Stubbs. He controls the Stubbs family fortune, of which Tom needs so that he can secure his re-election. Tom hires Johnny to assassinate his Uncle Arthur when he lands at Francis International Airport. Furthermore, Stubbs tells Johnny to make the incident look like a "terrorist attack" to improve the congressman's public image.

3.Curtis Stocker:

Curtis Stocker, known in the in-game media as the "Dine and Dash Killer", is a Hannibal Lecter-like cannibalistic serial killer who is on the same prison transport bus with Stubbs' white-collar supporters, awaiting transport to the Alderney State Correctional Facility. When Johnny hijacks the bus, Stocker's restraints come off, and he proceeds to consume the flesh of a prison warden on the bus. Despite his modus operandi, he otherwise behaves like a refined man. After Johnny evades the police, Stocker joins Stubbs' supporters on the boat ride to freedom.

4.Roman Bellic:

Roman Bellic (born 1977) is, unbeknownst to Johnny, Niko Bellic's cousin. He owns a taxi depot in Broker and is a compulsive gambler who owes money to the Russians. He is kidnapped by Johnny and Malc under orders of Russian Mafia boss Dimitri Rascalov, to whom Ashley owes money. By the player's choice, the kidnapping can initiated by either driving to Broker to the gambling den Roman frequents, or calling his taxi firm's number, which was given to Johnny by Elizabeta. During the kidnapping, Roman laments about his many vices and attempts to bribe Johnny and Malc by stating that his cousin can get them money; however, the two bikers are not swayed. Despite having to kidnap him, Johnny has sympathy on Roman, asking the Russians to go easy on him. Roman's kidnapping in The Lost and Damned sets up the GTA IV mission "Hostile Negotiation", where Niko must rescue Roman and avoid an assassination attempt by Rascalov's hitmen.

Roman Bellic is voiced by Jason Zumwalt.

5."Gay Tony" Prince:

Tony Prince (born 1963) is a Liberty City nightclub owner. He, his bodyguard Luis Lopez, and boyfriend Evan Moss go the Broker docks to buy $2 million worth of diamonds from a ship cook. When the Lost MC ambush the deal, Johnny goes after Evan to get the diamonds while other Lost MC members chase after Luis and "Gay Tony". It is revealed in The Ballad of Gay Tony mission "Frosting on the Cake" (the diamond deal from Luis' point of view) that Luis killed the other Lost MC members while outrunning them by means of explosives.

"Gay Tony" Prince was voiced by D.B. Cooper

6.The Cook:

The Cook (1973–2008) is the head cook of the Platypus. He sold $2 million worth of diamonds to Tony Prince; however, the deal was ambushed by the Lost MC. In The Ballad of Gay Tony, the Cook is killed by the diamonds' true owner, Ray Bulgarin.

The cook is also seen in the opening cut scene in Grand Theft Auto IV when Niko and Hossan are walking out of the Platypus.

7.Evan Moss:

Evan Moss (1984–2008) is the boyfriend of 'Gay' Tony Prince. He is seen with Gay Tony and Luis when they attempt to purchase diamonds from the Platypus cook. When The Lost MC ambush the deal, Luis tells Evan to take the diamonds back to the club, however the limo he was in was chased down by Johnny, and Evan was killed to retrieve the diamonds.

8.Playboy X:

Trey "Playboy X" Stewart (born 1983) is the leader of the North Holland Hustlers. He is seen at Elizabeta's house party, where she instructs him and Niko to accompany Johnny to sell the Lost's heroin stash. When the heroin deal turns out to be a LCPD drug bust, Playboy X escapes with Niko via the rooftops.

Playboy X is voiced by Postell Pringle.


Charlie is an undercover LCPD officer who posed as the buyer of the Lost's heroin stash. When the deal took place, he acted too nervously, constantly asking Johnny, Niko, and Playboy X if they had the drugs, causing Johnny to become suspicious of him. After Johnny calls the deal off, Charlie drops his cover, attempts to arrest everyone involved in selling the heroin, and is killed in the subsequent shootout by Niko.

10.Chad and Mr. Roncero:

Chad and Mr. Roncero are, respectively, a social worker and parole officer who were assigned to Billy Grey as part of his prison term and drug rehab program. When Billy is released from his short prison stint, Mr. Roncero warns him to stay out of trouble, otherwise he would return to prison. While Mr. Roncero strongly felt that Billy should have stayed inside longer, Chad seemed to have faith in Billy in overcoming his heroin addiction. Later, Chad tries to call Billy at the Lost clubhouse to check on his progress.

Unseen characters:

1.Agent Jones:
Agent Jones is a FIB agent who is observing the actions of the Lost MC. After a failed heroin deal which turned out to be an attempted LCPD drug bust, Agent Jones calls Johnny, suggesting that he should testify against his Lost MC brothers; however, Johnny tells Jones to get a warrant if he has evidence against the Lost MC. Jones calls Johnny later in the game to inform him that Billy Grey intends to enter a plea deal with the FIB in exchange for his release into Witness Protection.
Angels of Death (Liberty City Chapter)
The Angels of Death Motorcycle Club are a rival biker gang to the Lost MC. Known members include:
Lester "Arnie" Arnold — The President of the Angels of Death's Liberty City chapter. He was born in San Fierro in 1962 and his biography, Angel of Life by Fred M. Nelson, is soon to be made into a Vinewood film. It is revealed on the LCPD database that he is a drug addict.
Joseph "Joe Jon" Johnson — The Vice-President of the Angels of Death's Liberty City chapter. He was born in Carcer City in 1973. It is revealed on the LCPD database that he is a drug addict. In a cutscene, Klebitz said that Billy Grey put Joe Jon's nephew in a coma before he was taken down.

2.Albert Lawson — A high-ranking member of the Angels of Death's Liberty City chapter. It is revealed on the LCPD database that he is 59 years old and that he started the war with The Lost by having sex with the mother of a Lost member.
]Jackie Fitzgerald
Jacqueline "Jackie" Fitzgerald is the wife of Jim Fitzgerald, a member of The Lost MC. She is frequently mentioned, but never seen. She has a child with Jim.

3.Michael Klebitz:
Michael "Mikey" Klebitz is the older brother of Johnny Klebitz. He e-mails Johnny one time during the gameplay of The Lost and Damned. He is apparently the exact opposite of Johnny, being an upstanding citizen, and resents Johnny's criminal activities. He is currently serving in Iraq. He and Billy Grey were friends as teenagers.

4.Bernie Crane/Florian Cravic:
Bernie makes a voice only cameo in The Lost and Damned after Johnny puts surveillance bugs in Bryce's car. There the player can hear him describing out date plans with Bryce, talking about their relationship, and even singing the song Golden by Jill Scott.
Bernie Crane is voiced by Timothy J. Alex.